Who We Serve: Clinical & Demographics Characteristics

Medical Access Program, Sliding Fee Scale and Seton Charity Care Patients (95,578)1

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To identify patients whose care needs are particularly complex, the CCC combines similar diseases into chronic condition groups. Patients can have a diagnosis in more than one group, so numbers should not be added. Percentages do not add up to 100% because many patients do not have any diagnoses in a chronic condition group.
14,863 (or 15.6%) of patients have a diagnosis in two or more chronic condition segments.

The total number of cancers does not equal the number of patients with cancer because only the most frequent cancers are listed. Also, patients may be diagnosed with more than one kind of cancer.

1 Source: CCC Annual Utilization Study FY2011 – 2016. Diagnoses shown on this page may have been in 2016 or any earlier years that the patient had a claim.

Medical Access and Sliding Fee Scale Programs*

Demographics Characteristics, CCC patients FY17, FY18

FY17 – 93,705; FY18 – 108,729**

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Source: VeritySource (Eligibility Database).
* This includes patients who have been enrolled in the Medical Assistance Program (MAP) administered by the CCC or Sliding Fee Scale (SFS) programs reimbursed by the CCC. Patients seen exclusively through the Seton Charity Care (SCC) program are not included.
** Patients were deduplicated using a Patient Community ID (CID). CID Identifications are unique, site agnostic patient identifiers. They are assigned to all patients included in the eligibility database who are eligible for MAP or Sliding Fee Scale services regardless of whether or not they present in a clinical setting.
*** A total of 10,668 patients were identified as homeless in FY2017 and 10,839 in FY2018.